A new plan is being devised for a community interest company which was established to create apprenticeships.
The aim is to simplify the existing complex range of options for apprentices and companies.
Liverpool Futures was established in 2011 and shares in the company were divided between the City Council and Liverpool Chamber of Commerce.
Last year, the Chamber agreed to sell part of its shares in the company to City of Liverpool College.
Now a report to the Mayor’s Cabinet on 25 October is recommending that discussions are entered into with City of Liverpool College to acquire 100% of the shares in Liverpool Futures – a new way of operating to take account of changes in national apprenticeship policy and funding since Liverpool Futures was established.
Councillor Nick Small, Cabinet member for employment, enterprise and skills said: “This proposal fits with the city council’s decision to reposition itself as a strategic commissioner of apprenticeships, with a reducing role in delivering direct provision.
“We are all committed to closing the skills gap which exists in the city and ensuring our young people get the high quality training which they need to compete in the jobs market.”
Since May 2010 Liverpool City Council, working with partners, has helped create 926 apprenticeships.