Older people
Older people

Older People are champion!

Liverpool’s work to champion older people will be showcased at a special event at the Town Hall on Thursday 17 July.

A network of Older People Champion’s made up of councillors from 28 local authorities across the north west are in the city to discuss their work in placing over 50s at the heart of policy development, the delivery of services and lobbying the government.

The group have been active for the last seven years and are passionate about supporting today’s older people and planning for those who turn 50 in the future. That includes tackling issues that limit older people’s ability to get the most out of life such as age discrimination and fear of crime, making sure that they have access to learning, leisure and volunteering opportunities and promoting healthy living.

Their work has focused on promoting intergenerational understanding between young and older people, protecting older people from mass marketing fraud and highlighting the role of grandparents in supporting their families, such as by providing childcare.

Older People's Champions at the Town Hall
Older People’s Champions at the Town Hall

Councillor Gerard Woodhouse, Liverpool City Council’s Mayor Lead for Older People, said: “I am delighted to be able to welcome my fellow older people champions to Liverpool.

“We have a growing ageing population, with one million people turning 50 every year, but thanks to advances in medical care we rightly have greater expectations than our predecessors and are more independent than ever.

“Most people enjoy a good quality of health until their 80s, so it is vital that all public services are geared up to help and support the needs and wishes of this increasingly diverse and ever larger section of the population.”

During their meeting in Liverpool, the Older Peoples Champions will hear about a project run by Plus Dane to encourage older people to use the internet and computers; the Liverpool Older Peoples Awards run by LMH to celebrate over 50s; an Older Peoples Housing Charter operated by Liverpool Housing Trust and how the city engages with older people and those with a physical or sensory impairment through its ‘Making it Happen’ consultation groups.

Older people facts
• Almost 2 million people are over 65 and this will rise to 15 million by 2040
• In 2001, the number of over 60s outnumbered those under 16 for the first time ever
• 75 percent of people aged 65 are in good health
• Only 18 percent of people over 80 live in residential care
• 75 percent of over 65s voted in the 2005 general election compared to 61 percent of the overall population

Liverpool Waterfront