Parks’ pictures provide perfect present

 Looking for a Christmas present which shows Liverpool at its best?

The 2014 Liverpool Parks Calendar which features stunning pictures of the city’s parks and green spaces is now available.

 Twelve of the best pictures contributed by members of the public for the 2013 ‘People’s Parks Photography Competition’, run by the Liverpool Parks Friends Forum, feature in the calendar.

The Forum had the tough task of looking through hundreds of pictures to pick the most outstanding for the calendar.

“The calendar is always a popular present,” said Councillor Peter Mitchell, Mayoral Lead on parks. “It not only illustrates superbly our wonderful parks and green spaces but shows what talented and creative people we have in the city.”

The calendar, which was sponsored by the Reader Organisation and Riverside Housing costs £3.99 and is available from

Ferraiolo’s Cafe in Sefton ParkParks calandar
The Boating Lake Kiosk in Sefton Park
Newsham Park kiosk
Active Adventures Cafe, Otterspool Park and Prom
Gift Shop at Croxteth Country Park (open weekends)

Proceeds from the sale go towards the Friends Forum which brings together, and provides a voice for, around 30 Friends groups from around the city.

Photographs submitted for the competition can be viewed online at the Liverpool Parks Flickr website.

Information about Liverpool’s parks is available at

If you have an inquiry about parks e-mail


Liverpool Waterfront