Partners unite to tackle anti-social behaviour in Anfield

A crackdown on anti-social behaviour has taken place in Anfield.

The ‘community impact day’ on Thursday 25 January was arranged following intelligence received about threats to vulnerable tenants.

It was attended by staff from the Council’s Private Sector Housing team and supported by a number of partners including the Safer Stronger Communities team, Streetscene, Merseyside Police, staff and volunteers from the Breckfield Centre and local councillor, Billy Marrat.

Checks were carried out on privately rented properties around Vicar Road, Canon Road, Curate Road and Rector Road and action will be taken against 17 that were identified as not having a Landlord Licence. Additionally, 21 licensed properties were inspected across the 4 streets and officers are reviewing the outcomes of those inspections in relation to any licence condition breaches identified and housing hazards found.

Council staff spoke to residents who highlighted issues with drug dealing and fly tipping, and information leaflets in relation to tackling anti-social behaviour were delivered.

Merseyside Police conducted alleyway searches in the area and recovered a sharp edged instrument.

Staff from the Breckfield Centre litter picked around the four streets, while white goods which had been dumped in alleyways were removed by Streetscene.

Councillor Laura Robertson-Collins, Cabinet Member for Neighbourhoods, said: “The aim of the community impact day was to bring together partners together to reassure the community, collate intelligence and identify issues of concerns for local residents, which will be addressed to improve the lives of the local community.

“This type of operation is something we will be building on as we roll-out our Neighbourhood Model of joining up services across the city.”

Anfield Councillor, Billy Marrat, said: “It was a great day with some amazing work carried out by all the partners”.

Neighbourhood Policing Inspector Chris Taylor said: “We get involved in days of action like this alongside our partners all year round because we know they are successful and members of the public are pleased to see our officers on the streets.

“This is one of the many tactics we have to target those who are responsible for criminality in Merseyside, and to take weapons and drugs off the streets.

“While we have invested significant resources into tackling serious violence, we are also well aware of how much issues such as drug dealing, antisocial behaviour and low level criminality all impact on our communities.

“The welfare of those communities and the people who live in them are our priority and we will continue to take action such as this so people can go about their day to day business in peace and without fear of crime.

“A lot of the action we carry out is as a direct result of information we have received and I would continue to ask the public to support us in what we are doing – tell us where weapons are being stored and who is dealing drugs in your neighbourhood so we can take action.”

A further community impact day in Anfield has been arranged for the end of February.

If you are concerned about an issue with a privately rented property in Liverpool, please email

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