A full review of Liverpool City Council’s procurement processes has been completed.
It was prompted by issues highlighted in the Best Value Inspection Report and which form part of the council’s Strategic Improvement Plan.
The independent review, undertaken by the specialist external consultancy 4C Associates, has identified a number of short and longer-term opportunities for improvement.
It covers all aspects of procurement activity from the initial stages of commissioning, through to tendering, contract management and payment together with governance, decision-making and general internal processes.
A further update on the key findings and the programme of work to address the challenges and opportunities will be published nearer the time.
Mayor Joanne Anderson said: “This review is part of our commitment to delivering best value and social value for our residents.
“This is not just about getting value for money from contracts – it is vital that local people and communities also benefit from the social value we secure through contracts.”
A full report will be presented to Cabinet in October and also be considered by the Finance and Resources and Audit Committees.