Pupils’ warning to motorists

Motorists who park outside a Liverpool primary school are being warned that the pupils’ eyes are on them.

Banners produced for St Mathew’s School, in Queen’s Drive, Clubmoor, have messages from the pupils such as “Keep us safe” and “Don’t park in front of the school” along with images of children’ eyes.

Parking outside the school has been a long-standing problem and the governors approached local councillors asking if they could help with this issue and road safety in general.

The councillors used Mayoral Neighbourhood Fund to involve local arts company OLC Productions.

OLC worked with year 4 children. Francisco and Tristan from the company helped them learn some basic photography skills which they have used to produce the banners and a road safety charter.

Teacher Lisa Finnegan displays the banner with pupils
Teacher Lisa Finnegan displays the banner with pupils

Headteacher Moira Loftus said: “Our children enjoyed working on this project as we talk to them a lot about road safety especially on Queens Drive.

Tristan and Fancisco with pupils
Tristan and Fancisco with pupils

“We also remind parents about the dangers of parking close to school as there have been quite a few near misses! We have parents calling into the school on a regular basis as their children have been almost hit or they have experienced road rage by other drivers and we feel powerless in these situations. We hope that the wonderful posters will remind drivers that we need to keep the children and families of St Matthew’s safe.”

Councillor Irene Rainey said: “”We were very pleased to be able to help when we were asked by the school governors. The banners have only been up for a week but are already having an effect on motorists who park outside the school and clearly  this has been a very worthwhile project which was made possible because we have some very talented children in Clubmoor.”

Mrs Loftus and Cllr Rainey are pictured above with some of the pupils and a banner.

Liverpool Waterfront