Ensure you’re registered to vote in the Liverpool City Region Mayoral Elections.
On Thursday, 4 May 2017, all residents over the age of 18 years residing in the Liverpool City Region will be entitled to vote for the first ever Liverpool City Region Mayor.
If you are already registered to vote, you will receive your poll card by 3 April 2017.
If you’re not already registered to vote, ensure you register and make your vote count to influence the issues that affect you and the area where you live.
The Liverpool City Region Combined Authority secured a Devolution Agreement with the Government which will see powers, decision making and funding being devolved to the Liverpool City Region. This includes priorities such as employment and skills, strategic housing, transport and economic development. A condition of the Devolution Agreement was to have a directly Elected Mayor for the Liverpool City Region.
Having the ability to control budgets and decisions at a local level means that they are aligned to the needs of our residents, businesses and region.
To vote, simply ensure you are on the electoral register. It’s easy to register – you can register online at gov.uk/register-to-vote. The closing date for registration is Thursday, 13 April 2017.