Roadshows aim to make pedestrians safer

A series of road safety roadshows – aimed at reducing the number of adult pedestrian casualties – are to be held throughout Merseyside this week.

They are being arranged as the latest figures show the rate of casualties has risen in the last five years

A total of 427 people aged 18 and above were involved in serious accidents in the last three years, with 17 being killed

The highest number of pedestrians killed or seriously injured -over half-occurred in Liverpool.

Pedestrians failing to look at oncoming traffic is the single biggest factor contributing to these collisions and alcohol is reckoned to have been involved in 20% of them.

The roadshows will show a series of old and new road safety adverts and staff will be on hand to offer advice on a one-to-one basis.

They will take place, from 10am to 2pm on:

• Tuesday 12 January at Newtown Gardens, Kirkby
• Wednesday 13 January at Williamson Square, Liverpool City Centre
• Thursday 14 January outside Costa Coffee at New Mersey Retail Park, Speke
• Friday 15 January at Church Square, St Helens Town Centre

Dave Foulkes, Merseyside Road Safety Partnership manager said: “Crossing the road is an everyday activity done by everybody, but many people do not give it the attention it requires.  Too many people in Merseyside are getting injured as a result and we will be getting the safety message over to as many people as possible.”


Liverpool Waterfront