Safety first for ward

20150917_163936 The Cressington ward is a healthier and safer place thanks to a number of recent initiatives:
• Local resident Frank Mottram, of Beechwood Gardens expressed concern about fly-tipping and anti-social behaviour at an entry behind his home. The ward councillors arranged for an alleygate to be installed which has stopped the problems.(Pictured above)
• Residents in Brodie Avenue and Booker Avenue were concerned that some cars were driving over pavements to cut the lights with fears being raised that this could cause an accident. Wooden bollards have now been installed to prevent the irresponsible actions of some drivers.(pictured below)
• People living near St Mary’s Road, on Cressington Heath  have been concerned about the volume and speed of traffic along this stretch with particular concerns about crossing the road with small children at school times, The ward councillors have been successful in getting a 120 metre long stretch of safety barriers installed (pictured right)20150917_165817and local residensts have said they are delighted with the new barriers.
Councillor Mary Aspinall said: “As  ward councillors safety is always a top priority for Councillors Lynnie Hinnigan, Bill Jones and me, and when residents approach us over issues which affect their safety and well-being we will always try and find a solution to their problems.
“In these cases we have been successful in helping to make our ward a safer area.”


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