family cycling

Safety first in cycling revolution

Liverpool City Council is backing a campaign to improve safety for cyclists.

The THINK! Campaign- which is run by the Department of Transport – uses a series of practical tips to remind motorists and cyclists of the rules of the road and the actions they can take to help reduce accidents.

The City Council is continuing to invest in schemes and initiatives to encourage cycling in the city while making our roads safer. These include:

• Major improvements to the Prince Park Roundabout, using a £300,000 grant from the Department for Transport’s Cycle Safety Fund. The work involved the introduction of speed reduction measures, improved signage and better road markings. The carriageway was resurfaced, improving skid resistance. A recent survey recorded a 35 per cent increase in cycle trips compared with the number before the work was carried out.  The council will be continuing to monitor the scheme regarding the effect on road safety for all users.
• Work is nearing completion on a segregated cycle and pedestrian path on Leeds Street.  The section between Byrom Street and Vauxhall Road was completed with the Local Sustainable Transport Fund.  Works currently on site are funded through the Regional Growth Fund and will continue this cycle route from Vauxhall Road to Back Leeds Street, providing a connection from the north of the city to the business district, as well as upgrading the junctions at Vauxhall Road and Pall Mall.

• The 20 Effect which is reducing the speed limit on the majority of the city’s residential roads to 20mph. By lowering the speed limit the roads are being made safer for cyclists and other road users.

• Bikeability Level 2 cycle training is offered free to all primary schools with over 3000 pupils taking part last year.  More than 300 secondary school pupils took up the offer of Level 3 training in the city.

Councillor Malcolm Kennedy, cabinet member for regeneration and transport, said: “We are continually working to make our roads safer so we are supporting the Think! Campaign.

“Cycling is increasingly popular in the city – you only have to look at the success of Citybike to see that more trips are being made by bike.

“The campaign reminds drivers to take care around cyclists and remind cyclists of the actions they can take to stay safe on the road. This message is especially important as the weather improves and more people take to their bikes.”

Liverpool Waterfront