A search is under way for more young advisors to help influence services which affect young people in Liverpool.
Young Advisors are aged between 15 and 21 (or up to 24 with a disability) and work with the Liverpool Safeguarding Children Partnership (LSCP) advising community leaders on how to engage young people in community life, local decision-making and service improvement.
The advisors engage with other young people to help promote their voice in the city around issues that matter to them, which is fed back to services to help inform their plans and delivery.
They also work with business leaders to ensure that young people influence strategic planning, decision-making and marketing campaigns.
Liverpool Safeguarding Children Partnership (LSCP) currently has 11 active LSCP Young Advisors based across the city, but is now looking for more.
Each Young Advisor is paid, gets full training and receives a nationally recognised qualification (AQA).
Last year, Liverpool’s young advisors won an award for their work with the NSPCC for their efforts in raising awareness on issues including, consent, sexting, healthy relationships and sexual abuse.
Other work has focused on improving school attendance and the use of parks and green spaces during lockdown, while some advisors went on a trip to Lithuania to learn more about being a green entrepreneur and a woman in business.
Applications are open until the end of July at https://lpoolcouncil.info/46vy65v.
More information about the work of the Young Advisors can be found at https://liverpoolscp.org.uk/scp/children-young-people/lscp-young-advisors
Cabinet member for Children’s Social Services, Cllr Liz Parsons, said: “The Young Advisors perform a vital role reaching out to their peers and getting their feedback on a range of issues that affect young people.
“We’re looking for more young people to come forward and join the team to help us make sure services are designed with young people in mind.
“It is not only hugely rewarding for the Young Advisors but also develops their skills and confidence, helping them achieve their full potential.”
Young Advisor Aimee Hadwin said: “When I joined this role I was a very shy 16 year-old doing my GCSEs, and now I am 21 at university, leading youth voice groups and delivering training for many charities.
“This role has developed my confidence in communication, leadership and team work – but I have also developed skills in research as well as poster making and video, which has been really useful for university.”
Young Advisor Yentel Russel added: “Even though I have only been a Young Advisor for a short time, I feel like this role has really helped me become confident in leading projects and interacting with young people.”