The snow is having a widespread impact across Liverpool this morning.
Our gritters have been out on a double run overnight (11pm and 4am) across the major roads on the city’s network, but traffic remains slow.
The run involves 7 gritting vehicles treating approx. 600km, as Cabinet member for Neighbourhoods, Cllr Laura Robertson-Collins explains in this video:
A review of further gritting across the city will take place mid-morning.
Refuse vehicles have also found conditions difficult to conduct collections safely.
As a consequence, all residential (including bulky) waste collections have ceased due to traffic issues around the snow and ice.
If your bin has not been collected, it will be tomorrow. This knock-on will mean Friday’s collection will be on Saturday. You can check your collection dates online at
Our streetscene staff are currently deployed on targeted snow clearance in the city centre, around schools, hospitals, transport hubs and shopping areas.
Staff have also been deployed to top up grit bins across the city.
You can find your nearest community grit bin and view gritting routes in Liverpool by entering your postcode into our interactive map: