Spring clean for Orrell Park

Orrell Park has had a Spring clean – with tonnes of rubbish being removed from the area.

Warbeck councilors  joined local residents and  members of the Orrell Park Regeneration Group for the clean-up of the area- including Devonfield Gardens

Four community skips where provided in strategic locations throughout the area whoosh residents took full advantage of. Two cage vehicles were used  to remove flytipped waste  from alleyways and the highway.

Councillor Richard McLinden said: “We were joined by the city council’s  HIT team, Liverpool Streetscene Limited and Street Scene officers who did a fantastic job .

“Over the day we removed several contaminated bins, cleared alleyways of fly tipping and litter-picked and swept the whole area, including the main shopping area, with more than 46 tonnes of refuse being removed safely out of the area.’Orrell Park clean-up 3

‘We would like to thank all the residents in Orrell Park for making good use of the skips and especially those residents who joined us on the day making this a very successful event. ‘
Orrell Park clean-up 2

Liverpool Waterfront