School child sitting at a desk writing
Exam hall (credit: Getty Images)

Students congratulated on GCSE success

PROVISIONAL data today shows that Liverpool’s GCSE results have improved.

Liverpool’s grades reflect the national trend with students sitting the first public examinations since 2019.

The proportion of students achieving Grades 4+ (C-A* in the previous grading system) in English and maths combined has increased from 2019 from 57.4 per cent to 63.9 per cent.

Increases are also seen in the individual subject scores: from 69.5 per cent to 74.2 per cent (gap to national average 3 per cent) in English 4+; and from 62.9 per cent to 67.1 per cent (gap to national reducing to 8 per cent) in Maths 4+.

The 7+ grades (A-A* equivalents) were: English rising to 24.8 per cent which is the above national average and maths was 20.2 per cent, 3.8 per cent below the national average.

Once again the School Improvement Liverpool Community Languages Project has particular cause for celebration. Fifty-eight students were entered for GCSEs in Arabic, Chinese, Polish and Portuguese, with 100 per cent gaining Grades 4+, and half achieving a Grade 9 (the equivalent to an A*).

Cllr Tomas Logan, cabinet member for education and skills, said: “The cohort of young people who received their results today started their GCSE courses in September 2020 when schools were facing the challenge of teaching during the pandemic.

“You have our congratulations and admiration for what you have achieved when faced with extraordinary circumstances and we all send you our best wishes as you move on to the next stage of your education or further training.

“My thanks today also go to Liverpool’s teachers and our other school staff who worked so hard to support our students.”

Liverpool Waterfront