Has your bike been gathering dust in the garden shed? Is it in need of a good clean before you will think about taking it out on the road?
Then help is at hand at one of the many events taking place as part of the Big Bike Revival – two weeks of family fun events designed to help people get back on their bikes , learn how to look after them and rediscover the joys of cycling.
On Monday 1 June,(4-7pm) Peloton Liverpool are staging an event In Newsham Park near to St Francis of Assisi Academy, in which they will assess , clean and revive old bikes. And while they are doing that courtesy bikes will be available to take on rides.
There will also be a chance to test ride Citybikes – Peloton are responsible for their maintenance – and you can sample or borrow children’s bikes. There will also be led rides to encourage people to take up cycling again.
St Francis of Assisi Academy are supporting their event and two student volunteers from the Academy will be helping at it. Peloton have been working with them to encourage them to view cycling as a form of enterprise. They have helped with the organisation of the event and distributed leaflets about it.
Further information about the Big Bike Revival is available at http://www.bigbikerevival.org.uk/