Liverpool Town hall

Success in dealing with troubled families

Liverpool’s Troubled Families scheme has saved the public purse up to £14 million.

Troubled families are defined by the Government as those who are involved in youth crime or anti-social behaviour; have children who are regularly truanting or cost the public sector large sums in responding to their problems. Research shows the cost of a troubled family to be an average of £75,000.

The latest figures show the city council has successfully supported 186 families in tackling issues such as crime and antisocial behaviour, school attendance and worklessness over the last nine months.

It brings to 454 the total number of families who have been helped since the initiative was launched in April 2012.

In addition to recouping the cost of operating the scheme, the city council has been able to claim another £265,500 in payment by results, which can be reinvested in providing support.

Mayor of Liverpool Joe Anderson said: “We are making good progress in reaching some of the hardest to reach families and making substantial changes to their lives.

“Making interventions can save the public purse a small fortune by getting them back on the straight and narrow and preventing children entering the care system, or helping someone off benefits and into employment.”

The city council is currently working with 873 families, and has a target of working with 1,790 families by the time the programme ends in April 2015.

Head of the national Troubled Families programme, Louise Casey, said: “This programme is getting to grips with families who for too long have been have been allowed to be caught up in a cycle of despair.

“These results show that a tough, intensive but supportive approach has a big impact; giving hope and opportunity to the families and respite to the communities around them.”

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