News·19 January 2022Find out if you are eligible for a Green Homes Grant that could cut your energy billsWith gas and electricity bills rising, you could make your home more energy efficient and save money at the same time.
Environment·12 February 2016Last chance to join collective switchThe deadline to join the Collective Switch - which aims to cut households' energy bills - is fast approsching.
Regeneration·28 August 2015Council’s energy bill is lighterLiverpool's new LED street lights are making significant savings to the council's energy bill.
EnvironmentRegeneration·29 October 2013Energy firms urged to help poorest on fuel billsThe Big Six energy companies have been urged to join with the city council to help the poorest people - who have to use pre-payment meters - deal with their fuel bills.
Environment·15 April 2013Switch to a better energy dealA scheme to help households cut their energy bills is being launched.