Blog·8 September 2020Liverpool 5G digital network bridges health gap during COVID-19We became part of the DCMS Testbed & Trials Programme in March 2018 delivering the Liverpool 5G Health and Social...
News·29 April 2020NHS advice on what to do if you need dental treatment during lockdown…Dental services are in place across the city – and the region – for patients and the public during the...
News·7 October 2021BLOG: Liverpool is launching a ‘Good Food’ strategy – what does that mean exactly?Here to explain is Kevin Peacock, the Chief Executive of St Andrew’s Community Network (home of North Liverpool Foodbank). Kevin...
Blog·3 November 2021BLOG: Let’s talk about sex(ual health)!With the launch of Liverpool’s brand new sexual and reproductive health service, Advanced Public Health Practitioner, James Woolgar tells us...
Health·13 December 2012Summit of health leadersA summit of health leaders has been held in Liverpool to discuss the changes in the NHS and the funding challenges facing the city.
News·16 September 2021New app offers advice on what parents can do to help their baby developA brand new app has launched, giving tips and advice to parents about how to make the most of their...
Arts & Events·27 January 2017Health Awareness in focus at Community CaféHealth Awareness will be the subject of the latest community event to be held at The Friday Morning Community Café at St David's Church in Childwall on 3 February.
Blog·15 March 2023BLOG: “We have to invest in tackling health inequalities”With the announcement of the Public Health Grant, Cllr Frazer Lake, Liverpool City Council’s Cabinet member for Health and Social...
Health·14 November 2013Campaign to cut alcohol intakeA campaign to encourage people to reduce the amount of alcohol they drink is being launched in Liverpool in the run up to the festive season
CommunityHealth·1 April 2015Examine Your Options This Easter: Patients advised to avoid A and EPatients are being asked to think carefully before going to A and E this Easter
News·14 February 2022Community-based support for health and wellbeingIf you have found the last few months hard going and are looking for some extra support, a new health...
News·9 June 2020Test and Trace ServiceTest and Trace is a new service developed by the NHS to help people who develop symptoms of Coronavirus to...
Health·13 May 2014Health and social care integration moves closerThe first steps in creating an integrated health and social care system in Liverpool will be formalised on Wednesday 14 May
public health·8 April 2022Public alert from Liverpool’s Health Protection Board on Covid-19Liverpool’s Health Protection Board (HPB) met this week to review the COVID-19 situation, with free testing no longer available for...