Houses in a new development have been called "tea-cosy homes" because of their energy efficiency - and they are also helping residents' health.
A pilot scheme to ban âto let' boards in a part of Liverpool comes into force on Monday 22 June
More than 1,000 people are competing to buy 20 Liverpool homes for a pound
An investment of £3.5m by Liverpool Mutual Homes and the City Council will see 45 empty houses in Tuebrook and Stoneycroft brought back into use to help revitalise the neighbourhoods.
A show vilage for a development which includes 200 affordable homes has been launched.
The former owner of a house, which had become derelict, returned to see the completion of its £60,000 transformation.
Liverpool City Council has signed a ground-breaking partnership with three organisations representing letting agents and landlords to help drive up standards in the private rented sector
Work is complete on the first property to be refurbished as part of Liverpool's pioneering Homes for a Pound scheme.
Liverpool City Council has announced the first wave of properties to be built for its new ethical housing company – Foundations.
More than 50 breaches of safety regulations were discovered at a house in Kensington.
Work gets underway this week on the latest phase of the regeneration of the Edge Hill area of Liverpool
The owner and managing agent of unlicensed bed-sits have been fined.
A further 150 homes are set to be brought back into use in a major expansion of Liverpool's Homes for a Pound scheme.
A total of 646 affordable homes are to be built across Liverpool over the next four years after a successful bid for £14 million of Government cash