Liverpool City Council has announced the first wave of properties to be built for its new ethical housing company – Foundations.
Liverpool City Council has published a draft list of sites required by Government suggesting areas which could potentially be used to grow and develop the city over the next 15 years.
A series of sessions to help landlords manage their property to the highest standards is about to start.
The owner and managing agent of unlicensed bed-sits have been fined.
Local residents are being asked to help shape proposals for over 100 high-quality new homes in the Yew Tree area of north Liverpool by attending a community consultation event.
Liverpool City Council's Cabinet is set to approve a masterplan for the Welsh Streets.
Work has started on bringing 20 empty homes in the Arnside Road area back into use.
Work is to start on the final phase of the Norris Green Village which will bring the total number of new homes built there to more than 800.
The former owner of a house, which had become derelict, returned to see the completion of its £60,000 transformation.
Houses in a new development have been called "tea-cosy homes" because of their energy efficiency - and they are also helping residents' health.
Work is complete on the first property to be refurbished as part of Liverpool's pioneering Homes for a Pound scheme.
More than 1,000 people are competing to buy 20 Liverpool homes for a pound
A total of 646 affordable homes are to be built across Liverpool over the next four years after a successful bid for £14 million of Government cash
An investment of £3.5m by Liverpool Mutual Homes and the City Council will see 45 empty houses in Tuebrook and Stoneycroft brought back into use to help revitalise the neighbourhoods.