A pilot scheme to ban âto let' boards in a part of Liverpool comes into force on Monday 22 June
A further 150 homes are set to be brought back into use in a major expansion of Liverpool's Homes for a Pound scheme.
A scheme to build 58 energy efficient family homes on brownfield land in Walton that has stood empty for 15 years, has started on-site
Liverpool City Council's Assistant Mayor and Cabinet member for housing, Councillor Ann O'Byrne has launched the UK's first city-wide Landlord Licensing scheme.
Information is being sought about the owners of a number of empty houses in the city.
Mayor of Liverpool Joe Anderson has condemned a decision by Local Government Secretary Eric Pickles to turn down the proposed regeneration of the Welsh Streets – despite it being recommended for approval by an independent Planning Inspector
Work is complete on the first property to be refurbished as part of Liverpool's pioneering Homes for a Pound scheme.
A public meeting is to be held to discuss the private rented sector in the city.
A series of sessions to help landlords manage their property to the highest standards is about to start.
Liverpool City Council has published a draft list of sites required by Government suggesting areas which could potentially be used to grow and develop the city over the next 15 years.
Work has started on bringing 20 empty homes in the Arnside Road area back into use.
More than £200 million is to be spent in Liverpool, delivering 1,500 new homes and bringing a further 1,000 back into use.
The city council has prosecuted the owners of empty houses which were attracting vermin.
The former owner of a house, which had become derelict, returned to see the completion of its £60,000 transformation.