The landlord of an unlicensed student house which breached safety regulations has been fined.
Liverpool City Council is again warning private landlords not to sit on long term vacant properties.
The landlords of a converted house in Walton have been fined after they breached fire safety regulations.
Landlords are being invited to attend a course on hard to treat properties.
Bad landlords beware - a new hotline means there will be soon be no hiding place for those who fail to manage their properties correctly.
We recently had our application to continue the city-wide Landlord Licensing scheme for another five years turned down by the...
Private landlords are being urged to help the city council to deal with anti-social behaviour.
Liverpool's CLASS accreditation scheme for landlords reaches impressive milestone.
New powers which will give Liverpool City Council the ability to hit rogue landlords with fines of up to £30,000 are set to be approved.Â
The landlord of two houses converted to student flats has been fined for not having licences for them and breaching fire safety regulations.
Liverpool City Council's Landlord Licensing team have closed down three bedsits which were a serious fire risk for tenants.Â
Two landlords who operated multi-occupied houses without licences have been fined.