Plans for £1.5bn worth of regeneration schemes, creating thousands of jobs, have been announced
Radically revised plans for the regeneration of one of Liverpool's most famous streets have been revealed by Neptune, working with Liverpool City Council.
The £35 million regeneration of Lime Street in Liverpool will go ahead after the High Court rejected a bid by SAVE Britain's Heritage to overturn planning permission
Urgent work is to be carried out to make the derelict former Futurist Cinema in Liverpool safe after an inspection showed it is in danger of collapse
Lime Street is to reopen overnight (Friday into Saturday) following the completion of work to make safe the derelict former Futurist Cinema.
A £45m scheme is being proposed to transform streets in the city centre.
Liverpool Lime Street station is receiving its biggest upgrade since the 19th century and is closed from 30 September until 22 October.
A £39 million mixed-use development on Lime Street has hit an important construction milestone marked with a topping out ceremony led by the scheme's building contractor, ISG.
Liverpool City Council has announced it is to develop a masterplan to deliver the regeneration of the gateway site to a £2bn flagship regeneration scheme.
Liverpool Lime Street station is undergoing a major transformation – its biggest upgrade since the 19th Century - and is closed from 2 June to 29 July
New images showing a radical revamp to Liverpool’s historic Lime Street have been revealed.