The keys to 10 brand new properties in Toxteth have now been handed over to those who will now call them home.
Plus Dane has taken on a record 15 apprentices as part of its new policy to support young people with training and development to become the stars of the future
A plan to complete the regeneration of Liverpool's Granby Four Streets is being put forward
Plus Dane Housing is welcoming the decision by the Homes and Communities Agency to upgrade the organisation in its latest regulatory judgements.
More than 100 residents attend special event to find out about £14m housing plans for Granby Four Streets and share their hopes and aspirations for the future.
£14m vision to revitalise housing in Granby and bring more than 100 properties back into use on Beaconsfield Street, Cairns street, Ducie Street and Jermyn Street, over the next three years.