Town Hall night

Taking care of the ‘Carers’

Liverpool’s Lord Mayor will be hosting a special civic reception for the some of the city’s citizens who look after others next week.

Lord Mayor, Councillor Sharon Sullivan, who along with her twin sister Sheila care for their mother said: “As a carer myself I am only too aware of how tiring and time consuming it can be looking after someone.

“Many carers have little or no help at all, and some are barely adults. Caring for someone you love can be a difficult, stressful and often a lonely job. It can take over your whole life and many carers never have a break away from their situation, or have someone to talk to and this can affect the carer’s health.

“This is an opportunity to show our gratitude and acknowledgement for the selfless and constant work that carers do.”

Members of the coroner’s service, who are all volunteers, will be attending the event. The volunteers often have to comfort and assist those going through the difficult and emotional process of a coroner’s inquest.

Joining them will be young carers and representatives from the foster service and Alzheimer’s Association. Family members of the 42 strong crew who died on board the MV Derbyshire when it was lost in September 1980, will also be attending the reception at the request of the Lord Mayor.

Liverpool Waterfront