Tenants in Liverpool are to be given more information about their rights and responsibilities.
A new charter and information pack is to be launched to make them aware of what they can expect their landlords to provide and, in return, what they should do as good tenants.
The initiative is the latest move in a drive to improve the quality of the city’s’ private rented sector.
The charter also outlines the rights and responsibilities of landlords while the pack contains information ranging from how tenants should report repairs to fire safety issues. It also includes a flyer from Healthwatch, a service that offers advice on NHS services and can help to register with a GP and dentist.
There is also is a leaflet on anti- social behaviour (ASB) which explains its meaning, tenants’ responsibilities and advice on what to do if you are experiencing ASB.
The charter and information pack will be launched at the Town Hall on 5 August in an event to be attended by representatives from Shelter, the Whitechapel Centre, Liverpool Student Homes, Healthy Homes and Healthwatch.
Councillor Ann O’Byrne, cabinet member for housing, said: “This is an important step forward as we attempt to get a high quality rented sector in the city.
“The information pack has been welcomed by the private landlords’ advisory panel and I believe most tenants will also recognise that we want them to know not only what their rights are but what they should do to be good neighbours.
“We are looking to have well-informed landlords and well -informed tenants who build good relationships.”
The information pack will be distributed widely through groups such as Liverpool Student Homes, Shelter, the Whitechapel Centre and the Healthy Homes team.
More information is available from the CLASS Team on 233 8266, email class@liverpool.gov.uk