The importance of public private sector partnership

A delegation from Liverpool will be in the city of London next week sharing all the latest exciting plans and developments that are taking place across the city.

MIPM UK is a great example of private-public partnership. Two of the delegates representing Liverpool will be the new Liverpool MIPM chair Stephen Cowperthwaite and Liverpool City Council’s Claire Slinger.

So MIPIM UK is a bit different this year. Firstly it is a summit and secondly it is in the City — both of which should be a huge improvement on previous years! It is also my first as Chair of the Liverpool City Region delegation.

As a private sector group we made an early commitment to be at MIPIM UK in collaboration with the public sector. MIPIM UK presents an opportunity for us to talk on a national and international stage about our strengths and the opportunities in the region. There is a high quality content programme and we are rightly taking a lead in the conversations. Waterfront, Big Infrastructure, Future Housing, Life Science, Culture, Place Making….UK’s most talked about Cities!

And it is no surprise that people are talking about Liverpool City Region, with all that we have to offer. Our continuing renaissance is vital to the Northern Powerhouse ambition and we are proud to play our part. So being at MIPIM UK is an opportunity to shout about the region and talk to investors who want to get involved in the exciting journey. But it is only 2 days in the year, part of a 12 month programme of collaboration with the public sector that will also see us in MIPIM Cannes in March. The conversations will continue, and the opportunities for investment will also. It is an exciting time for Liverpool City Region!

By Stephen Cowperthwaite — Liverpool MIPM chair

Importance of public private sector partnership and why it is important Liverpool City Council has a presence at MIPIM UK and Cannes

Liverpool has been on a journey and undergone a dramatic transformation in the last decade and the Council has a huge influence on the business environment. Despite fiscal austerity, we have the tools to continue to deliver sustainable growth, particularly if we collaborate with the private sector to get the balance right and create an economy which will weather recessionary storms and tackle some of the challenges we experience in our city — homelessness, poverty, mental health, illness and budget cuts.

Events like MIPIM are a platform for public and private sector collaboration. MIPIM is the premier international property market expo and it is important the Council has a presence; to raise the profile of Liverpool and its brand in an international forum; to showcase the current portfolio of existing and future projects to prospective investors/developers; to raise profile with government and demonstrate we are serious about inward investment and to attend alongside other well represented UK cities and regions.

The private sector recognises the importance of creating a pool of ambassadors at MIPIM for the Liverpool City Region to promote and create investment opportunities, and as such, MIPIM partners subsidise public sector participation at these events.

Liverpool City Council will attend MIPIM UK in October 2019 and MIPIM Cannes 2020 to promote our key projects and spatial priorities. Our focus will be as a result of a year round programme with the private sector, ahead of MIPIM to engage and ensure we spearhead commercial activity on arrival. MIPIM itself is the culmination of all our efforts across the year, focusing on quality over quantity, building links and consolidating Liverpool’s position as a global city, open for business.

By Claire Slinger — Assistant Director — Development & Investment at Liverpool City Council

Liverpool Waterfront