North Liverpool Regeneration Company (NLRCO) is celebrating the success of its apprenticeship scheme.
NLRCO is a community-based social enterprise training organisation which has been providing training for NEET (not in education, employment or training) young people from areas of disadvantage since 2000, and is funded by the Skills Funding Agency.
Two apprentices have now completed their apprenticeship with Mere Park, who are developing the Central Villages scheme in liverpool City Centre and the company was so impressed they are being kept on in full time employment and they have taken on a further four apprentices from NLRCO.
Councillor Nick Small, Liverpool City Council Cabinet Member for Employment, Enterprise and Skills and Alex Moore, Managing Director of Mere Park recently met the apprentices to congratulate them.
Councillor Small said; “This is great news. It is a top priority for us to get young people into employment and wherever we have major developments across the city we are trying to ensure that they are given opportunities .”
Nicola Kelly, the Project Manager, added: “The North Liverpool Regeneration Company is one of the most successful training organisations on Merseyside, and a leading provider of construction apprenticeships. As such we continues to contribute to the Mayor’s target for 1300 apprentices over the next three years.”
Pictured left to right are:Councillor Barry Kushner, John Nelson (Placement/Health and Safety Officer, NLRCO), Ross Kennedy, Peter Jenkins, Lee Griffiths, (Apprentices), Alex Moore (Director of Construction Management, Mere Park), Jamie Ramford, Ian Santangeli Francis, Jo Lyons (apprentices), Nicola Kelly (Project Manager, NLRCo) Councillor Nick Small