.Brownies Grace and Ava (foreground) with families in background, accompanied by staff from MRWA and Cheetham Hill Construction.

Time to recycle


Local waste and recycling officers have left a calling card for future generations by burying a time capsule at a new Recycling Centre in Liverpool.

Merseyside Recycling and Waste Authority (MRWA) has placed the capsule in the brand new Old Swan Household Waste Recycling Centre – with strict instructions for the capsule not to be re-opened for another 25 years.

Help to organise and bury the time capsule came from the local 22nd St David’s Brownies Liverpool Unit, their parents, and staff from Cheetham Hill Construction Ltd – the company who built the Recycling Centre.

The capsule is currently being registered with the International Time Capsule Society in London. It includes details of how the new Recycling Centre was planned and built, a description of what life is like in 2015, a list of the current top ten books, a list of how much daily items cost today and a newspaper.

It is hoped that some of the Brownies who helped bury the capsule will attend its re-opening in the year 2040!

Brownies Grace and Ava (foreground) with families in background, accompanied by staff from MRWA and Cheetham Hill Construction.
Brownies Grace and Ava (foreground) with families in background, accompanied by staff from MRWA and Cheetham Hill Construction.

Councillor Graham Morgan, Chairperson of MRWA, said: “The Brownie’s had the idea of working with us to create a time capsule at the new Recycling Centre which is really exciting as it’s not something we’ve ever considered before.

“It’s been fascinating trying to think what facets of life in 2015 might be of interest to people in 2040. Likewise, if you think about how much has changed since 1990, especially in the waste management industry, it’s just as interesting to consider what changes may have occurred in 25 years’ time. I guess we’ll have to wait and see!”

The time capsule is part of MRWA’s community engagement. Other elements have included a recycling fashion show, workshops and a musical performance at the Museum of Liverpool. Staff also attended the Old Swan Community Market at the Joseph Lappin Centre where local residents were invited to place pieces of pottery into a swan mosaic art feature which will eventually be displayed permanently at the new Recycling Centre. This drive is to help go toward achieving the highly coveted environmental and sustainability CEEQUAL Award for the new Old Swan Centre.

Helen Bell of St David’s Brownies said: “We were really excited to get involved with the Authority for this project as it’s a major community facility rig

ht on our doorstep. From the fashion show and workshops to the time capsule itself, our girls have had a lot of fun and learned a lot about recycling and re-use!”

Pictured above: Brownies Grace and Ava (in foreground), with Brownie Guider Kim Eyres (back left) and MRWA Officer Chris O’Brien (back right).

Brownies and families, with MRWA and Cheetham Hill Construction staff, and the time capsule.
Brownies and families, with MRWA and Cheetham Hill Construction staff, and the time capsule.
Liverpool Waterfront