The ‘1578’ area, which covers Lodge Lane, Earle Road, Lawrence Road and Smithdown Road, is aiming to become a World Host Destination by having front-line staff trained in outstanding customer service
The training is being provided for free through Liverpool City Council, who are working with Academy ONE (the training arm of Liverpool ONE). This free training is on offer for small businesses, charitable organisations and other stakeholders. Larger firms will be expected to contribute to costs. So far around 20 businesses have participated in the course and have found it a real boost for their business.
A video explaining the value of the training has been produced by local firm Bling Studios on behalf of Liverpool Council. It can be viewed at
“This is an up and coming area which can make even greater strides if it provides top quality customer service, “said Councillor Nick Small, Liverpool City Council Cabinet member for Skills, Enterprise and Employment.
“Free training is being provided to help 1578 achieve World Host Destination and the video explains how important this is to the area.”
The next training session will take place 4th April, 9-4pm at Granby Toxteth Development Trust, Lodge Lane.
To book a place on the training course please contact Kim Cooper at Liverpool City Council:
For further information on the L1578 area view their website here