Sefton Park

Water safety highlighted

As part of Drowning Prevention Week (21-29 June), United Utilities are today launching a support pack for teachers and community groups highlighting the importance of water safety this summer.

Mark Byard, United Utilities’ Head of Health and Safety, said: “Every year, particularly during summer, young people are often tempted to take a dip in what appear to be safe places to swim.

“Unfortunately, reservoirs and quarry lakes are far from safe. Cold water, hidden debris, and underwater currents from pipework, mean that they are extremely dangerous.”

He added: “It’s important to get this message out there from an early age. We hope this new pack will be invaluable for anyone looking to warn young people about the dangers of water.”

A new support pack is now available to download which is designed to help teachers and community groups looking to work with and educate young people on this issue.

The pack features:

• Three videos: ‘Not A Game’, ‘A Cold That Can Kill’ and ‘Dylan’s Story’ which cover the theory, medical facts and real life impact of reservoir danger
• A discussion guide based around each film to highlight learning points
• Additional learning activities and information sources

From Monday 23rd June, schools or community groups can download their water safety resource pack from

For more information on water safety, visit

Liverpool Waterfront