The Women against Domestic Abuse Cup kicks off in Liverpool next week.
The annual football tournament will be taking place at The Power League Whittle Street on Tuesday, 18 July.
The day is jointly organised by Liverpool Homeless Football Club and Liverpool County FA with Liverpool City Council City Safe, The Morgan Foundation, The Power League, Worst Kept secret, Regenda Housing heavily supporting the day and support from Blackburne House, Liverpool YMCA, and Stanley Park CIC.
In its 4th Year now the day was set up to raise awareness around domestic abuse.
John Finnegan CEO of Liverpool Homeless Football Club said: “Domestic Abuse is not just physical. it is often unseen and unheard, it is important that we raise awareness of this and people know that they have somewhere they can contact for support.
“The day will have a fun element but a very serious message will be spoken on the day. In our research, we found out that when the football season or international tournaments were on domestic abuse rises. Working in partnership with Liverpool County FA, Worse Kept Secret and other agencies we wanted to prove that the beautiful game is not responsible.”
A spokesperson for Worst Kept Secret added: “Domestic violence does not discriminate as anyone regardless of race, ethnic or religious group, class, disability or lifestyle can experience domestic abuse. It can occur in all forms of relationships including; heterosexual, Lesbian, Gay, bi-sexual and transgender relationships.
“As Domestic violence seems to still be a taboo subject, Worst kept Secret have decided to join the Liverpool County Football Association and Liverpool Homeless Football Club. In order to help raise awareness and help those who might be suffering to know that they are not alone and that there is support out there for them.”
Dave Pugh Liverpool County FA CEO commented: “I was shocked to hear how football can be associated and in some cases, be the cause of domestic abuse. We want to show women the positive side of football; how it involves teamwork, can improve fitness levels, the social benefits it brings to players and their families – and how fun it can be. This year the cup welcomes females from various backgrounds to come together, make new friends, have fun and say NO to domestic abuse and we’re extremely proud to be involved.”
The day will have up to 20 teams from various backgrounds, from local colleges and teams who play regular, to women who may not have played before in another league.
It is a fun friendly day with support and other activities for women to access. However, the message is strong the message is clear, the day is about women coming together and saying no to domestic abuse.
How can I get involved?
1: Play on the day. Put in a team of work colleagues, friends all you need is 5! Email or call her on 0151 523 4488.
2: Support the day. Does your business wish to support the day by providing items for goody bags or if there is any other way you could support? Contact Steve Barton on 07764994906.
3)Social media/ Purple Hearts: Tweeting a purple heart with a picture on social media saying “no to domestic abuse #WADAC2017”
For more information please contact Jess or Steve on 0151 237 3986. Or email