As The World Health Organisation (WHO) marks WNTD on 31 May 2022 – could this be the perfect time for you to start your smoke free journey?
The benefits of quitting smoking are well documented – some are immediate, while others are longer-term.
Reasons to Quit
Stopping smoking will make drastic improvements to your lifestyle and health
- Increase your life expectancy and improve your breathing.
- Lower your risk of developing illnesses.
- Protect the health of those around you – including children from the effects of second-hand smoke.
- Boost your finances and save on average £2,500 per year.
- Improve your mood and reduce anxiety by cutting out nicotine which is a stimulant.
- Maximise your chances of having a baby – whether you are a man or a woman.
- Sharpen your senses and improve your taste and smell.
How to get support
SmokeFree Liverpool is a free, confidential stop smoking service, which provides up to 12 weeks of support.
By phone: 0800 061 4212 / 0151 374 2535
By text: QUIT to 66777
Via the website:
Specialist advisors will provide phone support and discuss the various options available – allowing you to quit smoking, your way.
An e voucher is sent to your GP or nominated pharmacy, and you pay the prescription costs, unless exempt.
Free nicotine replacement products are however available if you’re pregnant.
Join the 4,364 people in Liverpool who quit in the last 12 months – and read their stories at:
Councillor Frazer Lake, Cabinet member for Social Care and Health said: “The benefits of quitting smoking are many – it will reduce your risk of major illness, improve your general health and wellness and save you money.
Becoming smoke-free is one of the most important decisions you can take, so I also welcome the recent discussions about the raising the legal smoking age from 18 to 21 and reducing access for younger people to tobacco products.
Director of Public Health for Liverpool, Matt Ashton said: “Smoking remains one of the leading causes of premature death in Liverpool, and during the pandemic we’ve seen that smokers were 40% more at risk of developing serious Covid-19 symptoms.
“If you have tried to stop smoking before, don’t give up on giving up – we know that lots of smokers want to quit, and with the support of the team at Smoke Free Liverpool behind you, you are four times more likely to succeed.
Do you need more reasons to quit?
Beyond health and lifestyle, WHO are using their 2022 campaign to raise public awareness about the environmental impact of tobacco use.
From its cultivation, production and distribution to the toxic waste it generates – tobacco use is damaging at every stage.
- Globally 3.5 million hectares of land are destroyed to grow tobacco each year.
- Growing tobacco contributes to the deforestation of 200, 000 hectares a year and soil degradation.
- Tobacco production depletes the planet of water, fossil fuel and metal resources.
- The tobacco supply chain and sales mean the tobacco industry relies heavily on resource-intensive modes of transport.
- 4.5 trillion cigarette butts are not disposed of properly every year across the globe – generating 1.69 billion pounds of toxic waste and releasing thousands of chemicals into the air, water and soil.