
Worrying Milestones – Covid-19

On the back of today’s news that London has reached the very sad milestone of 20,000 deaths within 28 days of a positive Covid-19 test result, Liverpool reflects on the importance of vaccination and the number of residents who have lost their lives due to Coronavirus.

Overall, and up to today (12 May 2022) there have been 1,648 deaths recorded in Liverpool within 28 days of a positive test – with four in the past week alone.

Liverpool has had to prematurely say goodbye to family, friends, colleagues, and members of our communities – with many of these deaths being seen as preventable.

The latest figures presents another worrying fact. Liverpool’s mortality rate now sits at 330/100,000 – a rate that’s significantly higher than London’s (220/100,000) or even for the UK as a whole (263/100,000)

Director of Public Health for Liverpool, Matt Ashton said “Fortunately, the latest wave of Covid-19 appears to be over, and rates of infection are coming down to around 100 per 100,000. These rates are still incredibly high compared to last summer but are of course nowhere near the peak we saw in January.

“While infection rates are lower, this is really good time to remind people they can still take advantage of the vaccine offer and give themselves that all important additional protection ahead of potential future waves.

“The Covid-19 vaccination is now shown to be both safe, and effective in reducing the risk of serious illness, effects of long Covid and death as a result of an infection.”.

Currently, 74% of Liverpool residents, aged 18+ have had one vaccine, with 70% having had two doses. This drops to just under 52% for those having had their booster – which has been shown to be vital in building and sustaining longer term protection from Covid-19.

Book ahead or “Grab A Jab” at any of Liverpool’s many drop-in clinics:

Liverpool Waterfront