Liverpool Town Hall

Young people to kickstart Mayoral Model debate

“LIVERPOOL is a city where people always have something to say – but sometimes the council hasn’t always been as good at listening as it should have been. That is now changing – and one of the most important chances to make your voice heard will be the referendum on the mayoral model,” says Mayor of Liverpool Joanne Anderson.

Tomorrow (3 November) 50 young people from secondary schools and sixth forms across Liverpool have been invited to Liverpool Town Hall by Mayor Joanne to share their thoughts on how Liverpool should be governed.

The event will get the ball rolling on a city-wide discussion on the directly elected Mayoral model – as the city moves towards a referendum on the mayoral model next year. We moved to our current governance model in 2012.

Fazakerley elected member Cllr Paul Brant will be leading the event and it will feature both Mayor Joanne and the Lord Mayor of Liverpool Cllr Mary Rasmussen.

Cabinet members Cllrs Frazer Lake, adult and children’s social care; Tom Logan, education and skills; and Abdul Qadir, neighbourhoods; will also speak to the youngsters about the challenges faced by their portfolios and the ambitions they have for them.

After hearing about the mayoral and leader-and-cabinet models, the young people will be given the opportunity to discuss their strengths and weaknesses and will then vote on the one they feel is best for the future of the city. Students from ten schools will be attending as well as members of the council’s UNICEF Child Friendly City group

Mayor of Liverpool Joanne Anderson continued: “Whilst not everyone will be eligible to vote in the referendum, such as young people under 18, that doesn’t mean that what they have to say isn’t very important.

“The decisions that we make affect them too – so hearing their thoughts is just as important as votes cast in a ballot and it is also a vital part of our journey on the way to becoming a UNICEF Child Friendly City.

“I’m really looking forward to Wednesday’s event and can’t wait to hear what the students have to say.”

Cllr Paul Brant, who will be leading the debate, said: “It’s really important that we get people talking about the Mayoral Model before the referendum. People may feel that if they’re not interested in politics that it isn’t relevant to them – but it is.

“If you care about your city and who is tasked with looking after it, you should be able to make an informed decision about how we should all move forward – and young people can offer all of us a fresh perspective.

“I’m delighted to be supporting Wednesday’s event – and hope that the students won’t be gentle with us!”

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