An 80 day countdown has been launched to a commemorative weekend in Liverpool to mark the 80th anniversary of the Battle of the Atlantic.
Two volunteers who care for Liverpool Naval Memorial and war heroes’ graves have received a prestigious award from the Commonwealth War Graves Commission (CWGC).
Liverpool will mark Armed Forces Week with a series of events, culminating in a special service and the exhibiting of a quilt made by war widows.
The Liverpool Scottish Regimental Association will parade through the city centre on Saturday 29 April as they are awarded Liverpool’s highest civic honour.
LIVERPOOL City Council has once again been given the gold seal of approval for its continuing support of the Armed...
It has been an historic day in Liverpool, as the city officially Proclaimed the Accession of King Charles III at the Town Hall.
The Liverpool branch of the Royal Signals Association will receive the Freedom of the City in a special ceremony on Saturday 27 November.
Liverpool is preparing to stage commemorations to mark the 80th anniversary of the Battle of the Atlantic.
Liverpool is to commemorate the 40th anniversary of the loss of the Cunard and ACL owned and Liverpool-registered Atlantic Conveyor in the Falklands conflict, in which 12 people died.
A special service will be held on Saturday 25 June to mark Armed Forces Day.