BLOG: How we are taking action on pavement parking

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Liverpool City Council is aiming to take significant steps in its efforts to create a more sustainable and people-centred approach to parking. Cllr Dan Barrington discusses why this is so important and how motorists can benefit themselves.

For many years now Liverpool, particularly the city centre, has been plagued by rogue and illegal car parking.

Irresponsible drivers have taken to mounting pavements and using space intended for pedestrians to park their vehicles. It’s only a small minority of drivers who do this, but the impact can be huge.

It’s a problem that causes unnecessary harm, difficulty and stress to others who are simply trying to use the pavements as they were intended.

Last week Liverpool City Council announced a new parking strategy, encouraging a shift away from car dependency and prioritizing active travel.

The plan aims to reduce the number of cars parked on pavements, making it safer and easier for residents and visitors to walk around our City.

Clearly there will be some residents from our communities who will want to continue to use their cars in the way they always have done – and those motorists will be able to do so, as long as they drive and park legally.

However, we know that we can improve so many residents lives by giving them a different option of getting from A to B.

The Council will be consulting with residents, businesses, and community groups to get feedback on the strategy before it is finalized.

This plan offers an important step towards creating a more sustainable and liveable city.

Pavement parking is a major problem for pedestrians, especially those with prams or wheelchairs. It can be dangerous for pedestrians and can also cause traffic congestion.

Liverpool City Council is committed to making the City a more pedestrian-friendly place. A city where people will have a choice of using the car, public transport, cycling or walking. The new parking strategy in combination with the Urban Mobility Strategy are two big steps in the right direction.

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