Writing up the North

Award-winning authors are heading to two of Liverpool’s libraries in a celebration of writers from the north of England.

As part of the Read Regional campaign – which encourages people to enjoy the works of authors based in the North – four writers will take part in FREE readings and question-and-answer sessions at Liverpool Central Library and Allerton Library.

The ‘Meet the Author’ sessions at Liverpool Central Library will include:

  • Andrew Michael Hurley – the Lancashire-based author’s first novel The Loney, won the Costa Best First Novel Award and Book of the Year at the British Book Industry Awards in 2016, and is currently in development as a feature film. Devil’s Day is his second novel. His ‘Meet the Author’ event will take place on Tuesday 7 May at 6pm. 
  • Jennifer Nansubuga Makumbi – this Ugandan novelist and short story writer now lives in Manchester and was longlisted for the Etisalat Prize in 2014 for her first novel, Kintu. Her work Let’s Tell This Story Properly won the 2014 Commonwealth Short Story Prize. She will speak on Thursday 30 May at 6pm.
  • Clare Shaw – this critically acclaimed poet often addresses political and personal conflict, and is fuelled by a strong conviction in the transformative and redemptive power of language. Clare’s session will take place on Thursday 13 June.

The ‘Meet the Author’ event at Allerton Library will take place a 6pm on Thursday 23 May and will be led by Tony Williams who won the Saboteur Award for best short story collection for All the Bananas I’ve Never Eaten and currently lives in Northumberland.

The events are free, but tickets are required. To book a ticket, head to www.liverpool.gov.uk/libraries, or visit  www.eventbrite.co.uk and search for Read Regional events in Liverpool.

As part of the Read Regional campaign, all of Liverpool’s libraries will stock 12 new titles by writers from the North of England. The books are:

Children’s and Young Adult

The Exact Opposite of Okay – Laura Steven

The Impossible: On the Run – Mark Illis


Slip of a Fish – Amy Arnold

His Dark Sun – Jude Brown

Devil’s Day – Andrew Michael Hurley

You Me Everything – Catherine Isaac

Jennifer Nansubuga Makumbi, Kintu

What Falls Between the Cracks – Robert Scragg

Nutcase – Tony Williams


The Blackbird Diaries – Karen Lloyd


Flood – Clare Shaw

The Black Cab – John Challis

David Stoker, Head of Liverpool Central Library and Archive said “Here in Liverpool we love to celebrate books and stories from all over the world, giving insights into people’s lives across the globe. It is always wonderful to celebrate the talent of the North, and by taking part in Read Regional, we are doing just that.”

Claire Malcolm, chief executive of New Writing North said: “Our Read Regional list for 2019 is a real celebration of brilliant books that you must not miss out on this year. The North is bursting with literary talent and this list reflects a wide range of genres and subjects, from courageous young adult to an extraordinary Ugandan epic, so there really is something for everyone.”

Andrew Michael Hurley said “I feel privileged that my novel, Devil’s Day, has been selected for this year’s Read Regional campaign and I’m really excited about the many events coming up in the spring and summer. Never more have we needed the preciously democratic spaces of libraries to read, talk, listen and discuss together.”

Find information about all of the events and download free reading guides for each of the titles at www.newwritingnorth.com

Liverpool Waterfront