Liverpool City Council has set out a vision to improve the city’s housing offer by 2030 with a commitment to support 2,000 new homes a year, reduce the number of empty properties and tackle homelessness.
Liverpool City Council is set to begin consultation on continuing its pioneering Landlord Licensing scheme for another five years.
Liverpool City Council is to limit the practice of converting smaller homes into houses for multiple occupation (HMOs).
Residents in high-rise buildings in Liverpool can now access financial support to help make their home safer.
A Liverpool landlord has been fined for failing to repair an open sewer in the garden of a rental property.
Interim Director of Housing Zulfiqar Mulak explains how Liverpool City Council is transforming its housing offer to put people at...
Liverpool is set to spearhead a new community-led housing revolution with city council owned land and properties to be marketed to local organisations.
An evaluation of Liverpool City Council’s five-year landlord licensing scheme shows it dealt with almost 24,000 complaints of which 96...
Liverpool City Council is conducting a public consultation over its proposals to introduce a new landlord licensing scheme – known...
One of Liverpool’s largest property managers has been fined more than £10,000 for allowing student tenants to live in a rat-infested property which also had a host of fire hazards.
Developer Elliot Group has completed the refurbishment of a listed Georgian terrace in Liverpool’s Canning neighbourhood following a blueprint agreed...
Plus Dane Housing, in partnership with Liverpool City Council and Homes England has launched the first of 99 affordable homes in Liverpool’s Welsh Streets.
How can the Council help tackle the serious and organised crimes of modern slavery and human trafficking in Liverpool.
A series of drop-in events for tenants in the private rented housing sector who are facing issues take place this month.